Saturday, October 1, 2011

New Responsibility

Hello all faithful readers,

Gosh, rather than reducing my responsibilities (and therefore my stress) I have added to them this week by adopting a Betta fish from a friend who is moving. Mind you, this is a single mom friend who managed to keep this fish alive for a year already, so, like, no pressure! Yes, well... if you google anything re Betta fish, you will learn that when you acquire one housed in a small bowl you Need to Purchase a large enough tank for the fish to Thrive, not Survive in, along with gravel and some plants to create hiding places. It's interesting to build up a fish tank and create a safe space within four glass walls. I also need a hiding place sometimes. Sharing a room with my son makes that difficult but I am now thinking about how I can make the living room more cozy and carve out a "Mommy's corner" or chair. The concept of the lazy boy chair for Dad now makes complete sense to me. Prior to owning Freddy The Fish I categorized it as a really bad design element, but now I get the safe space reality.

Anyway, my darling son (aged 3.5 years) told me that his job would be feeding Freddy The Fish, changing his water, and making sure his plant (now plants) are standing straight. I thought to myself: Wow, only three weeks in and his Montessori school is already teaching him a sense of responsibility! I also knew that soon enough he would be delegating these tasks to me, his subordinate. And here I am, two days into Freddy, boiling rocks found in the park, dripping vinegar on them to test for something or other, and $75. in the hole due to research on the web about our "easy to care for" fish. All while my son is playing with his I-Pad at his Dad's house. Take it from me, if you have a kitchen floor to wash, some receipts from the last month to put into your spending plan, or you have a penchant for Feng Shui, setting up your fish tank will happily distract and occupy you for some time. 

While the pH level of the water situates itself I hope our one fish will survive as I acclimate him to a new tank. To help things move along more smoothly I have taken out my contact lenses to easier read the tank's instruction guide at a distance that is closer than two feet from my face. Noticing my aging can be "eye opening" (I am getting really good with the puns)! Especially in conjunction with not having legally documented my child's guardian or not having a retirement savings account when I am a freelance worker, or what about, not having had a lover in a couple years and wondering how that will play out now that I am over 40 years of age... Maybe I am turning into a cliche of the single mom lady with no sex life... i.e., quick to ignite over simple things like banging one's head on the towel rack, again, while standing up after wiping one's son's bottom. But, I must say that I did see a handsome, interesting looking man with a nice voice in the wine shop tonight, and that was before I had a glass of wine (hey Handsome, have you heard the one about poop?). So there is a benefit to buying a bottle of wine, if only to stir up that curious beast within. P.S. I don't usually notice handsome, interesting men these days, although I Am Not Old, just preoccupied with raising my son. And earning enough money that might be spent on creating relaxing spaces in our apartment such as a beautiful and peaceful 2.5 gallon fish tank. 

This weekend I am participating in a Restorative Yoga teachers training with one of my first yoga teachers from 20 years ago. It's been said that you teach what you need to learn and I couldn't agree more. While going through the legalities of my divorce, I went to a weekly Restorative Yoga class for six months. And while attending this weekend training I am reminded that I still need a weekly restorative practice to maintain my personal pH levels. Restorative Yoga is great for today's society, where we are on auto pilot most of the time, have less boundaries between work and self, and often don't even know where we really begin and end. For those of you reading this- take a break into child's pose right now- sit on your heels, forehead resting forward on the floor, arms either along your side, or stretched in front, or making a pillow for your head. Take 25 breaths, come up and then decide how you want to continue your day. (see photo below).

Bowing inwards and also to Freddy the Fish.

All the best,
Single Momista

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